Due to the sensitivity and value of our collections we need to ensure they are safe and secure. Therefore, we operate under a booking system for researchers and tours. Book your free ARC tour here. 

We are currently looking into ways to open the entrance to the ARC to ensure members of the public can see inside.

We have a great team of volunteers, and are always looking to expand. From labelling boxes, examining finds, reorganising and supporting at the excavations - there's something for everyone. Take a look at our 'Volunteering' page here to find out more. 

Every June and July, we work with the University of Leicester on our Irchester Field School programme, a four week excavation onsite at The Chester House Estate. Find out more here. 

Alternatively, we suggest you follow the ARC Facebook to be the first to find out and book early to get involved. 

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Any questions? Contact the ARC team here.

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