Children spring into the Chester House Estate to bottle feed lambs
25th Apr 2023
More than 4,600 children have visited Chester House Estate this spring – bottle feeding lambs, hunting for easter eggs and exploring the 85-acre grounds for hidden clues.
Since the Lambing Barn opened five weeks ago over 1,500 bottles of milk have been bottle fed to the baby lambs and more than 85 bales of straw have been used to keep the lambs warm and comfortable.
It’s been a record breaking spring for the estate, with the sunny bank holiday attracting hundreds of families alone.With only four dates now remaining the estate’s team are now preparing the final bottles of formula and unpacking the remaining bales of straw.
Another popular new Spring addition this year has been the estate’s dog friendly Easter Egg Hunt. For £5 visitors are invited to bring their furry friends along to hunt for a series of giant wooden dog bones, which are dotted across the estate. At the end of each treasure hunt all the four-legged friends receive a seasonal doggy treat, with £2 of each ticket donated to animal welfare charity Blue Cross.