A celebration of our dedicated volunteers!
29th Aug 2024
To celebrate National Volunteer Week we are throwing the spotlight on our dedicated volunteers – who do everything from helping at events, working in the ARC, supporting our learning and education programme, working in our shops and café and much more.
The Chester House Estate is what it is today thanks to the passion, commitment and enthusiasm of our volunteers. Read about some of our volunteers below and, in the meantime, if you are interested in finding out more about volunteering at Chester House Estate we would love to hear from you.
We have a host of roles and opportunities and are flexible and supportive. To find out more about how you can get involved email volunteering@chesterhouseestate.org.

Christine, 73, volunteers across the whole estate, helping with car parking, children’s educational visits and in the Visitor Centre.
“I love being part of something so worthwhile and seeing the joy Chester House Estate brings to so many families. Volunteering and giving time is so worthwhile. It’s fun but it’s also amazing giving other people joy. If anyone reading this is thinking of volunteering, I’d say ‘ go for it’.”

Carmel, 58, started volunteering at Chester House Estate in 2021, initially helping out in the Northamptonshire Archaeological Resource Centre (ARC), the county’s state-of-the-art archaeological archive store for the county which is based on the Estate.
“Volunteering here is my chance to become even more involved with a subject that I love. I have learnt many new things and made new friends. It also provided me with some vital respite during my husband’s illness as I was able to get away and think about other things for a few hours.”

Mary, 65, steps in to help whenever there is a need, landing her hand to everything from cleaning the on-site bed & breakfast and checking tickets at events to car park attending and workshops.
“I love meeting people, using my skills, learning new skills and doing all of this in such a beautiful environment. My favourite volunteering roles include supporting school visits, and helping schoolchildren learn about the history of Chester House Estate. I also love helping with the craft workshops. I know I make a difference and this feels great. It’s also lovely to be appreciated.”

Rosamund, 74, is a retired teacher and has made lots of friends since volunteering.
“Chester House Estate is a lifeline. I have made so many friends here, it feels like a family. I usually volunteer about two days a week and come home tired but fulfilled. I am retired and was keen to get out and meet people, especially after lockdown.”

Carol, 80, is trained as a Landscape Tour Guide and in Oral History recordings.
“I am proud to guide visitors around the estate, helping in the ARC and looking at the ‘treasures’ we have on site. The other volunteers are friends some of whom I have known for years. It’s such a friendly environment to volunteer and easy to make friends. If you are thinking of joining Chester House Estate as a volunteer, come along and try it. Volunteers are required in the cafe and shop - try it and meet the public. You will make friend and you might actually enjoy yourself.”